Ohai everyone! It's your lovable Admin, Luke! Now how about a "Hell Yeah"?
Oh fine...
But anywho, we need to keep this place active, I'm doing ym part with this giant topic. So, I'm gonna post
aloooootta Crap fun stuff here.
First of all-You may have notised the new Emoticons! You were eather like "lolwtf" or "That's Awesome!" They're actually Windows Emoticons so hopefully Windows Live Messenger won't eat me in my sleep. If I'm correct, when you look on your left when making a topic or reply you'll see a drop down menu. Below that are all the emoticons. By clicking on links in the drop down menu you can catigorize the various emoticons. But since there's only one catogary guess what? That does
absolutly nothing! But still Enjoy the new Emoti's people.
Second of all-Please read the rules when you join. They actually mean something people! Double Posting is annoying and takes up unwanted room in a topic thus is seen as SPAM! There's an edit button on your post, so use it.
Finally-By forwarding traffic to this site, I'm trying to advertise this on other forums. This means we may get some
unwanted people. By this I'm talking about
Alex Fletchers Trolls and mainly
Fanboys. So here's a little defination to help ortect our forum.
Trolls:Trolls are people who go around on forums posting annoying, insulting and stupid messages simply to get a rise out of you. The second you reply to a Troll message you've imidiately lost any kind of argument and are now an
absolute Fudge Nut.
Don't feed the Troll!Fanboys:Fanboys are a special kind of Troll that annoy us all. What's were expecting are what I like to call "
One Way System Fanboys". Basically these
morons Video Game Fans believe that only one console is the best and refuse to even think that any other consoles are even the least bit good. The Mains Fanboys tend to 'Overly-Love': Wii's, PS3's & 360's.
Do us all a favour and when you see a Troll, report it to me for me OR the Moderator of the form it's in. It's my job to delete these and the Mod's job to help me. So don't be some kinda "Fudge Nut User Vigalanty" and think people will love you for fighting back as that then causes chaos and counts as...you guessed it...spam.
Merry Christmas Everyone!